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11:12 AM

7.1 mi


2.77 mi / hr


80 F
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North Shore

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Longer portion of backpacking today. Super humid out since it was foggy all morning and then the sun came out and it turned into a sauna. Woke up and putzed around trying to dry everything out and cook some food. Watched lablanc boulder for a bit then lollygagged around carlton summit for a bit before finally getting going. Went for a good ways till springdale creek campsite where we ate lunch and talked with a couple from SLP.

Went the rest of the way after that and I sweat all the way through my shirt which sucked. Going up the leveaux ridge was kind of getting to me, but buckled down and kept going. Finally made it to the onion river campground and set up shop there for the night. Took a nap then woke up and saw that jamie from carlton was also at our site and we talked with her for a bit. Eventually trotted over to leveaux to try and climb, got everything set up, but the cliff was super sketchy, covered with licheny rock and they would slip out, so we just scrapped it. Was really dehydrated too, got some water from the river.

Hung out back at the site for the rest of the night where some more through hikers showed up. Two guys around lablanc and I's age (compton and pat) then also some older couples and some old balls out too. Got some poetry recited to us then retreated into the tent around 9 again.

Woke up to some big storms again, poured really hard the whole night, but the tent held up. Was constantly thinking I'd hear Pat yelling all bewildered for compton for some odd reason hahaha.
