Run: Long Previous Next


16.4 mi


6:56 mi


6 / 10
6 / 10
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I love these long runs when you shake it up from the typical area to run. Its so nice, especially when the greatest coach makes pancakes for you afterwards! These are the days I will remember. My body didn't work that hard in the run, but I felt pretty tired after, so that was weird. Watched Diemer races with the commentary during and Al's 99 cents after. He and Diemer talked about purpose, how Diemer shouldn't have been in the 92 trials, less win them, but God had a purpose for him and it wasn't their territory to get in the way of it. I'd like to hear more about it, but eventually we had to leave.

He also showed us the video of him with his training partner, Charlie the chicken!

Good day, good vibes, the future is bright.

*update* He also talked about emotions and honing them, and I think that spoke to me a lot because it can be easy to get super excited and carried away with training and run myself into the ground in workouts, but its important that I can race my way forward and stay focused.
