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12 mi


10:16 mi

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These times are measured off the course per Garmin set to 1.01 per lap. Per Garmin, average pace is 10:09 per MILE--what we have above is pace per LAP. I am at a loss as to whether I want to go with my trusty landmark system or the Garmin. Garmin is easier to deal with while running, no doubt--autolap is pretty simple. But not sure how to deal with the pace/distance differential.

As far as the actual run, I got stopped briefly by a train at Wirth Park, pooped once in mile 4 and 2 times in mile 7 (paused Garmin for all of these). I felt good right from the get-go, AMAZING--wore down a little in the middle but the last 4 miles felt good, as they always seem to when I put this at the end of a course. Low back/left butt a little tender but not too bad, will heat and ice, take a shorter and very easy run tomorrow if feeling up to it.
