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12:05 PM

2 mi


6:26 mi


145.5 lb


42 F
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Metro trail


First attempt at anything faster than easy pace since the marathon. Tough weather: 39 degrees, overcast and windy with a chance of rain/snow when I left, but 45 when I got back. Wore tights, long sleeved tech shirt, and my new wind breaker, which of course meant that I was warm. But the wind made it necessary. Also up late last night watching the election. So I didn't feel good, but no big deal. The first interval actually was ok. But the second one was unpleasant, in part because the wind was in my face going that direction, but also in part because I'm out of it. It didn't seem advisable to push anything by doing more, so I just jogged home. Must come back to speed gradually. Just a taste at first.

Training Plan Entry


2 mi

2 x 1 mile (1 min.)
