Run: Recovery Previous Next


10:16 AM

4 mi


11:54 mi


118 bpm
157 bpm


80 F
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University Park

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Attempted to run 4 miles continuously if things felt ok, but they didn't. In exactly the same place as on Tuesday, just past a mile and a half in, the right adductor way up in my crotch started complaining. This time I stopped before it pulled. I walked for a half mile or so, then started running again, which I could do since it never pulled. But it never felt right and a half mile or so later it threatened to pull again. Very frustrating. Later it occurred to me that the problem may be that my adductors are working too hard because the *opposed* muscles are weak. Planning to take tomorrow off running, I did external hip rotator exercises (2 x 10 each of clams and side lying straight leg raises) plus 2-leg bridges and the front leg raises I've been doing (up to 10 x 10 now). I've made basically no progress since Tuesday, so hopefully this will help.
