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10.1 mi


8:28 mi

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Shoes are almost broken in - left foot is good, but my right foot is still a bit stingy.

Ran with Maria; felt good, but I forgot how much she is a weaving runner. But a good running buddy.

So, a few further things that I realized I should really write down - first, 60 mile week (15th time ever running that many miles in a week and second time since college.) Second, my legs today (Monday) feel good - a little stiff potentially, but they do not feel beat up at all, which is a good feeling. Third, 30 miles on the weekend - that's uncommon for me. I'm not sure if it's just that the job load is enough lighter than extra training is more feasible or if I'm just getting into a groove, but I'm feeling pretty good with regards to running. I'm excited for Green Bay; aiming for at least one more 20 miler that ideally would have a slightly faster section at some point, but that presumes everything works out timing-wise. I'm not totally sure that it will. It's looking like maybe Parkinson's this weekend, long run Friday over Easter weekend, Brew City the 23rd, and then a final easy long run on the 30th/1st. Two week taper unless Brew City is really hard - or if I'm feeling like I need it!
