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14.4 mi


7:40 mi

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Two Weeks to Marathon - Final Big-ish Long Run

Bad conditions, but a pretty good run. Started misting/raining harder around the last two miles, so I didn't push the issue; also, short sleeves was fine for running, but was going to be too cold the instant I stopped and was exposed to any wind. Overall, not quite as long as I was hoping, but brain is still fighting and not where I'd really like it to be. Oh well - traveling will help (??) and the race is two weeks out. Tapering always puts me in a weird/awkward/subgood headspace.

Loop was the first 3.5 of Captains of Industry, then out toward Verona until the end of the trees (steady 15 mph sw wind meant that was absolutely not), turned back and finished up with the rest of 14 Plush Washingtons. So basically, this would have been a short version of 14 Plush Washingtons - other than the out and back toward Verona, I think I'd run this one again.

Training Plan Entry


17 mi

Two Weeks to Marathon - Final Big-ish Long Run
