Run: Tempo Previous Next


6.6 mi


7:34 mi


1 mi warmup

10 mi tempo @ GMP-5 (6:40-6:45)

1 mi cooldown

Yeah, I did NOT have 10 miles today, but I got three. It was a struggle, but it was something - I think I just didn't have the right headspace for a workout after not sleeping super well.

One mile warmup (8:04), 6:48, 6:50, 6:50 - I think I would have been okay had I chosen a different loop or had more engagement for this run. But it also heated up really fast, which was going to be an issue very quickly.

Training Plan Entry


12 mi

1 mi warmup

10 mi tempo @ GMP-5 (6:40-6:45)

1 mi cooldown
