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  • Exercises



Did a bunch of different things as a race.

Started with Weighted, Circle Planks. One person had the weight on their back while the next person ran around the group before moving the weight. x2

Rope Carry of about 15 meters. Rope was about 10 meters long. x2

Double Sandbag Carry, 15 meters, x3

Horseshoe Sandbag Carry, 15 meters, x3

Up-Down Burpees, 5, 10, 5

12 Push-Up Ladder Walk, x2

Bear Crawl, 15 meters, x2 (did this twice and did it wrong)

800 m run

Medicine Ball Toss, 15 meters (pick up and carry after the first toss), x3

Then then a 30 meter medicine ball carry chase. One person carrying a medicine ball gets a 5 meter head start, but still needs to run the full 30 meters. The hairpin at 15 meters was a problem.

Finally, some stretching/yoga stuff.
