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5 mi


5:42 mi


Good race.

We put 10 in front of Coast Guard's 8, so that's a sign of how deep we are. Admittedly, I caught him at the line, but it's still a place.

Other thoughts and notes:

1) I like this course. It's a good blend of challenging and fast.

2) I wish I had had my sunglasses, because I'm nursing a touch of a wicked headache. Unfortunately, they were in my backpack. In Upper FLAUD. It's back now.

3) The race was tough to start. I was definitely surging and pushing hard in the first mile trying to move on up.

4) Even though I started kind of far back, I think it didn't hurt me. There were a few dicey moments when it was crowded, but clearing out a bit of space is something I can handle.

5) Shane and Tom were about 20 meters ahead of me the entire race. Looking back, I should have tried to get up there to work with them, but at the same time, I'm not sure if I would have been able to surge, fall back onto their pace and hold on.

6) This week had pretty bad preparation. First, I'm at really high mileage for me. Second, I don't think I got to bed before 1 any night this week except Friday (which includes two nights asleep after 2:25). Third, it was the Kilroy show, so that was a bunch of extra stress.

7) Overall, I'm happy with this race. It's a PR for me (other than UMD), so that's a plus. At the same time, it feels very flat. Like I don't have a strong impression of it. I'm not sure if that's the fact that I'm a tad overworked and my headache blurring my thoughts right now, but I didn't leave this race thinking "I don't see where I could have gone faster." It feels middling.

Plan for the rest of the term: Tomorrow off. I don't need to break 190 miles in three weeks and I'm right at the edge of it. Then finish up the week with a slight increase over this week's mileage (back to 55 with seven days) and break!
