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5 mi


5:43 mi

Race Result

12 / 80 (15%)
7 / 13 (53.8%)


Worcester City Meet

Goal Time: Sub 28:20 and top ten.

I want that sheet of paper, dammit.

Missed both goals. Still really, really happy.

Thoughts on this race:

1) I finished 12th overall, good for 7th on the team. We had the forward conga line moving along really nicely at the start and by mile 2, we had firmly established ourselves in a good position.

2) Three freshmen on the team beat me. Ooh.

3) This entire race was very controlled. I felt really good at the finish line. Like, really good.

4) This was an easy sub 29 at Moore State, which I'm pretty psyched about because Moore State.

5) I finished in the same place as last year but was 15 seconds faster. I like that a lot, especially for WPI specifically.

6) Dom came out of nowhere to get ninth. I didn't hear him for the entire race and suddenly he was right there.

7) Despite effectively no hill work, the hills felt much, much easier this year.

8) I caught none of my splits in this race whatsoever. That was really fine because I was racing this as much as possible. I was trying to be as conscious of position as possible and I think that went well.

9) Things I didn't like: Of two minds about this one, but I felt like I had run a hard workout at the end of this race, not a race. A terribad thing? Not really.

10) Other thing I didn't like: Maria DNFing again. I'm worried about it.

11) Beautiful weather today.

Overall, while I didn't hit my goals, I did what I needed to do teamwise and runningwise. In all seriousness, this meet was not a focus meet. At all. And realistically, I ran this the way I should have: controlled and relaxed. I feel very good right now and I'm excited for All New Englands.

Training Plan Entry


5 mi

Worcester City Meet

Goal Time: Sub 28:20 and top ten.

I want that sheet of paper, dammit.
