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20.5 mi


8:05 mi

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This felt DAMN good - very nice to run with Sarah and Nathan today, extremely nice weather, had water on the way. Very, very good run - I think my shoes were too beat and the pace was way too uneven previously. Also, the paths were great today; no ice, barely any snow. It was a tiny bit windy near the end, but otherwise, an excellent 19 with Nathan.

Route was 1.5 to Panera to start, then Cannonball Path to the connector to Olin, then south to Lussiter Farms, then back to Fitchburg on Capital Trail, then out to the Veloround and finishing up via Nagase Memorial. Good mix of scenery and very low traffic. I was worried about not having long runs, but I think that was a false worry. I have the endurance and the speed for sub 3. Now it's time to build the rest and then two weeks of taper.
