Run: Easy Previous Next


4.6 mi


8:42 mi


For the Middleton track meet - 1.6 for the warmup, 1 mile between races, 2 mile after the 3200 - adding about a quarter mile for jogging around before the races.

Between the races was interesting - I did a slow mile because that's what I've done previously and I think that helped keep loose? But also I was pretty beat at the end of that, so maybe something a bit later would have been good? It was hot enough that anything was going to be kinda unpleasant.

First warmup - 1.6 @ 7:54

Middle Jog - 1 @ 8:50

Final Cooldown, with a big group - ~1.8 @ 8:10-8:30 (conversational pace with a bunch of Epic folks)
