Aerobic Weights Previous Next


6:35 AM



4 / 10
5 / 10
  • Exercises


I couldn't lift much with my shoulder and so focused on my back & core.

I started with 3 sets of:

Bent over bench pull backs - 1 65lb Weight (10 on each side)

Deadlifts - 25lb plates on each side with bar

12 - Ab Roller Roll Outs

Then bicep curls with 2 sets of 35lb dumbbells and one with 40lbs.

3 sets of 12 tricep cable pull downs.

And the high-light was 1 set of 10 pull ups and bring your knees all the way up to the bar as well, when you come up. Super fun! Never been able to do that before.... I was pretty happy with that! And did the second set with only 8.

I warmed up on the bike as well, for about 8 minutes. Not too bad..
