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7:08 AM

6.6 mi


9:22 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Well executed speed workout. Legs felt strong throughout the entire workout. Ran the first 8 intervals with nice consistency & pretty good control of effort, keeping it for the most part just at or bit under "5k effort). Did feel some fatigue after the half way point and was a bit "gassed" after the 8th repeat. Took a couple extra seconds rest after number 8 & hydrated, then ran the final four reps in sets of 2. I picked up the effort slightly in 9 & then had enough left to pick it up again from the midway to the end of rep number 10. Reps 11 & 12 were run similarly to 9 & 10, but picked up the effort enough to run them about a second faster than the previous two. Cool down was comfortable & easy. It was a nice confidence boost to hold my speed through the entire workout and, of course, to be able to run just a little faster when I was definitely tired. Finished full set of exercise routines after the workout.
