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5:51 AM

18.7 mi


11.19 mi / hr


8 / 10
5 / 10
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My first bike into work....

I was sitting there watching the weather last night before bed and the weatherman said there will be abundant sun tomorrow. So I headed out the door this morning with a questioning look, after seeing the threatening sky in the distance but trusting it would soon get better. Well by the time I had made it to the Mississippi it was like a freaking hurricane. I took cover under the I494 bridge for 40 minutes while it past. I was absolutely drenched by the time I made it to work. It was the hardest rain I have seen since moving here. Of all the days to attempt my first ride into work, I picked a bad one. Still I did it.

The ride home was much better, and faster... I think I should be able to trim the trip time down to an hour each way which is awesome and completly doable on Fridays.
