Run: Easy Previous Next


11:30 AM

6.5 mi


9:14 mi


43 F
  • Map

road run


Cloudy, cold, windy. Legs definately felt a little stiff today, guess those standing spins yesterday are sort of like intervals. Crooked brook loop to CHS fields. 1st 4 in sub 8 pace, then hamstrings and back of legs felt a little tight, so jogged around fields looking for lacrosse balls and actually found one. Found $1 bill too! Then saw a path in woods I hadn't noticed before and walked down it exploring for ~10 mins before jogging back to the gym at probably 9ish pace. Wore knee brace on right knee again, but knee didn't bother me at all. Left knee wasn't as stiff as usual, so maybe I'm healing up OK, just got to keep it slow for a little while longer and hold myself back.

Nose was congested at beginning of run, coughed up and blew out the passageways pretty good. Think I'm on the tail end of the cold, so there is some upside.

