Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


7:44 mi


149 lb


70 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map



Run with group... Thought it would be a nice stroll down the road, but should know better when Robin is the rabbit. She took off at mile 2-3 - a downhill which she flies down - and I restrained myself. Just getting over a cold, my nose was running, and yes Robin, hacking up a storm. Paul flew by at mile 3.5 after Robin and by the turn around had caught up to her. On the turn around I tried to hold pace steady and actually caught up to Paul around mile 6 and matched pace up to mile 8. I coughed, he took off like a rabbit and likely finished about 45 seconds ahead of me. I saw him pass Robin and he kept going. I just wanted to hold a steady pace, but felt myself picking it up. I knew I couldn't catch her, but I started to close the gap to about 16 seconds.

This was supposed to be an easy run, but I am substituting for my planned 10 mile run at 7:47 that I scheduled for Sunday. NY this weekend which will make training a bit more of a challenge. I need a 5 mile at 7:18 pace and will aim for that this weekend, and 3x1600 at 6:30 pace - maybe Thursday.

Thanks again Robin for pulling me along... I'm such a sucker! :)
