Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 AM

9.5 mi


8:39 mi

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<No name>



went into the Assabet hoping to get some trail time but still too much fucking crusty snow everywhere so had to go to Plan B which ended up consuming more time but got some decent road miles...didnt get to the hill strides until mile 7 though but did really well on them. Body is holding together...

Training Plan Entry


10 mi

am run - 8-10 miles. Start easy and relaxed, HR is below 155 for the first 4 miles. Then on a moderate grade hill, nothing too steep, run 5 X 20&quot; fast strides up the hill. Effort would be up to MAX.

Stop at the top for ~20&quot; or so just to catch your breath, then run back to the start at an easy effort. Finish the run relaxed and easy. HR 145-160.

Hydrate before and after this.
