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6:00 AM

12.3 mi


8:29 mi


Easy time on your feet. The max distance today is 20 miles, but you need to really listen to your body rather than run by a predetermined distance. If you begin to feel very dead and your pace drops off sharply, slogging, then call it and head home. Even just getting 5 miles is fine if you are that fatigued. Training is about pushing our body to a point of adaptation. This is not a number or a mileage but it's 100% a level of fatigue and breakdown. You must avoid goign beyond the breaking point!


Left Post Tib is sore in my arch and bottom of foot so I just cruised around today. Woods were full of deer flies to had to abort mission and hit the road around mile 5. Oh well...will roll and IB the Post Tib today. 20 oz of fluid taken and 1 bag of Vespa Honey Gels.

Training Plan Entry


16 mi

Easy time on your feet. The max distance today is 20 miles, but you need to really listen to your body rather than run by a predetermined distance. If you begin to feel very dead and your pace drops off sharply, slogging, then call it and head home. Even just getting 5 miles is fine if you are that fatigued. Training is about pushing our body to a point of adaptation. This is not a number or a mileage but it's 100% a level of fatigue and breakdown. You must avoid goign beyond the breaking point!
