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5:30 AM

9.6 mi


8:07 mi

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<No name>


First 3 miles I got up to 142 for my HR but took about 2.8 miles to get there. Was able to get up to and hold 154 for the middle 3 miles but was running about 6:55 pace to hold that. Got to the last 3 miles and just worked as hard as I fucking could and could not get past 160....just stuck there. Then with a mile to go my Garmin 405 freaked out for the last fucking time and therefore met its end against a telephone pole. Did not take in any fluid or food on this run.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

9 miles progression, this is fairly moderate.

WU) 3 miles- build to HR 140-150 and hold it.

3 miles at HR 150-160. Moderate push.

3 miles at HR 160-170. This a wide range. If you don't feel super then just hold HR near 160, this shoudl be doable. You can also push to 170 and then ease up slightly to recover and then push again. You can play around a bit with a 10 beat range!

Walk a few minutes to flush out your legs.
