Run: Fartlek Previous Next


5:50 AM

7.7 mi


7:47 mi

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still feeling sluggish...this cold/flu thing is slowly working its way out of me. Was able to make the fartlek happen but it was serious work to hit the splits...more so than usual.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

1:00 (~8 miles)

WU) 15:00 of easy jogging with a gradual build to get loose.

Fartlek: 45:00 non-stop (on a hilly trail is good) done as 1:00 at perceived 6:30 effort. Quick and relaxed, this is just for 1:00 so you shouldn't be dying.

Recoveries are 2:00 at perceived 7:30 pace. This is 15 X 1:00 on 2:00 recoveries.

No HR monitor, run by perceived pace. You should never feel strained or blowing up on this run.
