Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:15 AM

13 mi


7:46 mi

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<No name>


13 miles. Tempo fartlek.

Start easy for the first 4 miles. just jogging to start then build to HR 140-150 and hold it. Then if you feel good, run:

3 mi. at HR 150-160. Easy in to this gradually and hold back the first mile.

1 mi. at HR 140-150.

2 mi. at HR 150-160

1 mi. at HR 140-150.

1 mi. at HR 150-160

1 mile easy jogging to cool down. Flat to rolling course for this.


Was in high 6/low 7 for all of the 150-160 ranges and was anywhere between 8 and 9:30 for the 140-150 ranges depending on how long it took to come down from the 150. Heat was an issue and I think it skewed some of the results but overall it was a good run.

Training Plan Entry


13 mi

13 miles. Tempo fartlek.

Start easy for the first 4 miles. just jogging to start then build to HR 140-150 and hold it. Then if you feel good, run:

3 mi. at HR 150-160. Easy in to this gradually and hold back the first mile.

1 mi. at HR 140-150.

2 mi. at HR 150-160

1 mi. at HR 140-150.

1 mi. at HR 150-160

1 mile easy jogging to cool down. Flat to rolling course for this.

So this session is basically 3/2/1 miles at Tempo with 1 mile at MAF between.
