Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:50 AM

8 mi


10:14 mi


1:00-1:10 with strides.

WU) 3 miles of easy jogging to MAF HR.

Then run 10 X 15" strides. Start at only a moderate effort (7:00 pace) for the first few and then build in to them as you loosen up- no faster than 6:30 pace on these.

Jog easy after each for 45".

Finish the run at MAF HR.

Merry Christmas!


Blazing new trails in Sudbury so in a few places had to walk but was also able to blaze some speed too so a very good tromp. Calf is 7 out of 10.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

1:00-1:10 with strides.

WU) 3 miles of easy jogging to MAF HR.

Then run 10 X 15" strides. Start at only a moderate effort (7:00 pace) for the first few and then build in to them as you loosen up- no faster than 6:30 pace on these.

Jog easy after each for 45".

Finish the run at MAF HR.

Merry Christmas!
