Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

15.1 mi


8:33 mi


Good prep day for tomorrow...held MAF for 10 and then took it up and held it till the end. Love the aqueducts! food - one bag GU Chomps (orange), fluid - 10 oz water

Training Plan Entry


16 mi

16 miles with tempo. Tempo is roughly a Z3 effort or for you HR 155-170, so avoid going over HR 170 today.

A rolling to hilly course is good for this and try to hold HR up on the downs.

Wu) Start super relaxed and light and slowly build HR up to 140-150 and hold it. At 10 miles elevate HR to 155-170 and hold this steady for the last 6 miles to the finish. I woudl definitely recommend starting this last 6 with just a slight build to HR 155-160 and hold this for a mile or even two, and then work u
