Event: How Many More Laps?! Previous Next


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Ran the 10K for the first time in my life :). I was soooooo freakin' nervous right before. I hope I didn't annoy Emily while I was warming up ha. I'll definitely want to do it again. I need to work on mental toughness like how I said last week. I want to push each workout/race and run to my potential. I feel slow. I've sort of noticed that as the week progresses and I recover from the weekend's meet, my legs feel better. My sleep average went down to 7:15 because I hardly had sleep the night after race day since we got back so late. I don't know if my body feels best at 7 hours, but that's what my average is daily recently. I stretched everyday after practice this week! Abs were done everyday until the meet and I didn't on the weekend for a "break" haha. Food is so hard to keep track of. I tried meditating, then got frustrated and figured it defeated the purpose.

This weeks goals:

1) Be within 15 seconds of miss jackson this weekend, whether it's ahead or behind her (preferably ahead, but in that case, it can be longer than 15 seconds).I feel like racing with her definitely will push me especially knowing that I'll prolly be running with her at conference.

2) I need to break 2:30 for the 800 in the DMR, so my goal would be to not die the second lap since I always tend to do that during 800s.

3) I think I'm getting the habit down of sleeping around 11, I just need to figure out how to make it restful now.

4) Meditate (right) at least 2x this week.

5) Abs are becoming less of a chore, more of a "yay" so that's getting better, but still need to mentally make it a goal.

-side note, my eyes have been a lot better though it's not a pretty sight in the morning (puns). I stopped using the antibiotics Friday since it was a bit overkill (more puns) because the nurse said last week to use them until this Tuesday ha.
