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1:00 PM


148.6 lb
  • Exercises


Focused on deadlifts, last set took a lot out of me. Paused all reps up to 225 and then paused the first 5 reps at 245. Took a few seconds to recover before the last reps at 245 as I was quite winded. Really focused on contracting my hamstrings and pulling the bar into me preventing my hips from rising first and shoulders shooting forward. Seemed to work as I was in much better control and was able to keep a neutral spine throughout. Hamstring of course is sore after, knee still not feeling that great.

Deadlifts - 1x5x135, 1x5x185, 1x5x225, 1x8x245

T-Bar Rows - 1x12x45, 3x8x90

Wide Grip Pull Ups - 1x5, 4x5x25

Lat Pressdowns - 4x10x60

Bicep Curls - 1x10x60, 2x8x60, 1x6x60
