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3:00 PM


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Rode bike 16, probably the most consistent bike I've ridden in terms of watts although after a few sprints it became erratic plus it was slow responding to a hard effort so I couldn't max out the watts good. Ended up averaging 220 watts and 96 rpm with 153 heart rate, maxed out heart rate 181 during sprint.

Finished the week with 7:00 of cardio (3:30 running, 3:00 bike and 0:30 elliptical)

Did a workout before, trying to go heavy:

Bench Press - 1x3x135, 1x3x155, 1x2x175, 1x1x185, 1x7x155 (disappointed with heavy lifts, scared to try more reps without a spotter, but finishing set was pretty strong)

Close Grip Bench Press - 3x5x135 (pretty easy)

Pull-Ups - 1x5x25, 1x5x45, 1x3x55, 3x2x65 (very happy with this)

Leg Raises - 1x8, 1x7, 1x6

Pallor Press - 3x10x32.5
