Run: Easy Previous Next


12:13 PM

8.5 mi


7:30 mi


140.4 lb
44 bpm


70 F
  • Map


What a nice sunny day, and in the 70's again in mid-October! We should get one more day of 70's and sunshine tomorrow - surely this will be the last time we see 70 degrees for the next 6 or more months!? I ran for an hour non-stop on the outdoor track. First non-stop hour in a long time, 30.25 laps in lane 4 (423 meters per lap, 12796m, 7.95 miles total) plus a quicker .5 run over from the Rec center). Excellent. Did not plan to run non-stop for the hour, plan was to get some sun, enjoy being outside, and walk-jog within my limits.

Had a pretty bad night last night with chronic nagging aches and pains plus several nightmares and sleep paralysis. I've been feeling sicker and weaker physically lately, but have been doing a lot of work at home outdoors in the yard, and my arms are sore from using tools for hours. Rebuilding the flagstone walkway this week - lots of stone carrying plus many bucket loads of sand to fill, pick up and dump out. And spread around. I pace myself with this work, but at the end of the day I am beyond exhausted to the point of losing ability to function.
