Run: Tempo Intervals Previous Next


2:00 PM

6.2 mi


6:10 mi


135.8 lb
46 bpm
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5K, 19:43. Saturday afternoon at the Rec, indoor track. DNS on the Snake River Half Marathon this morning because of the nasty wintery weather, 21 degrees and windy with some snow on the ground for the race. Had a much more enjoyable run indoors at the rec.

Plan was vague but thought I might run an easy 30 minutes, so I started off very easy, no warm-up, second mile was so quick and easy that just a small push put me under 20 for the 5K. Kept my running and breathing very relaxed until I could smell the 5k finish, then just eased the pace up a bit faster final few laps with some fartleking on the straights.
