Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:14 PM

7.1 mi


7:57 mi


160 lb
162 bpm
177 bpm


40 F


7 / 10
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I'm going to categorize this as a tempo not for the pace but for my HR. I ran with Frank today and his easy is not my easy. Combine the pace with the talking the whole time and the softer surface of the path due to it being a bit wet and I think this is why my HR was so high. Honestly, I'm not too concerned. Although I was pushing it a bit at the end with a hill back to the car, I felt very good after it was over. Not too spent. This will just serve as my hard work out this week, and next week I will take easy.



Nice work buddy! Talking at that pace is far from "easy", so I think you're in fine shape - I don't think I can have a casual conversation at that speed!


Wow, another beastly run. On pace for another 50+ week? yowza. Frank sounds like an animal, I love it! Looks like you were pushing it pretty hard during some of those late miles, I would not be able to chat either.