Run: Easy Previous Next


3:29 PM

4.9 mi


9:07 mi


170.8 lb
131 bpm
145 bpm


4 / 10
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20 degrees and crazy windy outside, no thanks. Luckily I've got my treadmill. Unfortunately its now clear that its even more off than before. Probably more like a minute off. I am pretty certain I was running sub 9. so instead of taking 45 secs I will take off a minute going forward. that still puts me above 9 minute pace, but I'd rather be conservative. I was feeling kind of meh at about half way through and was even thinking of cutting it short to 30 minutes but by the time I got to 30 minutes I was feeling fine again so I kept it going a bit longer. Nice and easy altogether is just what I needed after my tempo 2 days back. I was listening to the ultrarunner podcast again and they had a guy on who went from a 10k to a 50 mile in a couple years and ended up finishing 5th. It was a small ultra and I was thinking I could be this guy. He finished in 8:30 but it was in florida so it was super flat. Anyways, it made me feel good about my Dirty German experience which then made me think about how I can't wait to get back to doing another 50! This was a long entry. I need to get the blog going again :)
