P90X: Default Previous Next


5:36 AM



166.5 lb
105 bpm
150 bpm


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Wow! This was my first P90X workout. Chest and Back and then an attempt at Ab Ripper at the end. I'm just going to copy what I wrote in the email I sent out after finishing:

I really got my ass kicked this morning. I've never done a workout like this. I was feeling nauseous after the first half. When I used to lift a few years ago before I started running I tried doing some super set type workouts and I felt nauseous, but this was worse. My second half I was reduced to doing reps on the order of like 8 push-ups and 5 assisted pull ups. And in between I was on my knees hoping I didn't throw up. I considered stopping a few times but I kept with it. And honestly I was holding back a bit with the first half.

Then when it was all over and the ab ripper x video started I was so done it was like a joke. I figured I would skip it but then I it started playing so I tried to do some of the exercises. I was able to do 10 - 15 reps of some things and others I could only do a few before I couldn't go on. But I "finished" the whole thing, meaning I got through to the end of the video. By the time my shower was over I was not that nauseous anymore.
