Run: Easy Previous Next


11:50 AM

7 mi


8:45 mi


34 F


7 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map


I ran the near work on the trails by GWU. I took them out towards that little island area and ran around there.. Iwas really super stiff but funny enough my first mile was 9:05 which is faster than i usually start off on the treadmill. Even funnier was there was a bunch of hill in the first mile i had to run up. The run was nice to get outside for once, but the wind and cold kind of sucked. The run was decent for the first few miles and then i could tell i ran out of stored carbs as my legs felt so heavy and like jello. I have been eating a lot of protein but not so much carbs lately I can tel instantly when my reserve is emptied as my legs become cement super fast. So lone behold the miles went from being like 8:20's to high 8 minutes as i was just trucking along through the lactic acid. I really wish i could get back to the running i use to have where i could go out and run an easy 8 miler at 6 minute pace and it was nothing. I do not know what i need to do. First i need to not be injured!
