Yoga: Ashtanga Previous Next


8:30 PM



203 lb


W5, D5

5 A, 3 B, All Standing

Took yesterday off. I knew I needed to take one day per week off, but then I also found out that you should also rest on "moon days" (new and full). It's not about the moon though, it's about adding two extra rest days per month. The cycle ends up being 6 days per week twice a month interspersed with 5 days per week every other week. Whatever, I was getting heavy and tired from 11 days of no rest, so we'll give it a whirl and see.

Anyway, good stuff today. Balance was good in triangle types, but I fell over in warrior I. Then I had left leg balance issues in tree. LOL - it's funny how the "issue" moves around. Perhaps what's moving around is my focus?
