Run: Easy Previous Next


8:37 PM

5 mi


10:09 mi


196 lb
156 bpm
190 bpm


85 F
  • Map



Warmup, cooldown, and 3x3 minute recoveries from interval segment of tonight's run.

Even though it was a little hot, it was a nice night for a run. Left just as the sun was down and it got dark in the first 10 minutes or so. Since I've had 18-25 mph winds a lot this year - tonight's 10 mph wind felt like a cool breeze.

Before I started tonight's run I knew I wanted to do at least a little fast running - wasn't sure what though. At mile 2, I decided to try 5x3min hard and 3 min easy. Sounded good at the time, so off I went. First one, at 6:45, then 6:47, the last one I was dead at 2 minutes - felt like my heart was going to explode - so I stopped - pace had fallen to 6:56.

Mother fucker! I gotta quit smoking.

The 2 miles or so home felt not unlike the last couple miles of my first marathon. For those lurking along - that means they sucked balls. I've been trying to lose weight and have been pretty aggressive the last few days. Gotta start carbing up during the day again and save those fucking salads for dinner.
