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1:30 PM

11 mi


9:42 mi


130 lb


55 F


That was FANTASTIC! That's the farthest I've ever run at one time without stopping (I think), and it was marvelous. It's all just a matter of mental preparation; I pretty much have been thinking about doing ten miles for the past week or so, and I told myself that I was going out running today and that I wasn't coming back until I had done ten miles. Simple as that. And I didn't. As a matter of fact, I ran 11 instead. Haha. The only reason for the eleven was because I wanted to run by Coach Slichter's house, but he had company (by the looks of the many cars in his driveway that I had never seen before), so I just continued on my merry way instead of stopping for a chat. So I really hadn't intended to run 11 miles, but hey, I'm not complaining. I felt like I could have run a half marathon, and I probably could have, but today probably wasn't the best day to do it. That would've been like doubling my farthest mileage and I don't think my legs would have liked it.

Hmmm. So. Legs. Taking some ibuprofen would have been a pretty good idea, seeing as my good old friend patellar tendonitis called me up about mile 8 and reminded me that he's still alive. So that's not cool. And my hip is sore, but it wasn't to the point where I had to stop. So I'll probably take tomorrow off, or if not, only do like two or three miles to work the lactic acid, but nothing really hard because I'm going to be in pain.

Good songs on the Ipod today, along with the great weather, made this a great end to an otherwise sucky Thanksgiving break. So now I'm going to eat a hunk of pie. Chyeah.

"Staring at the blank page before you

Open up the dirty window

Let the sun illuminate the words

That you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance

So close you can almost taste it

Release your inhibitions...

Feel the rain on your skin

No one else can feel it for you

Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else

Can speak the words on your lips

Drench yourself in words unspoken

Live your life with arms wide open

Today is where your book begins...

The rest is still unwritten..."
