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3:00 PM


130 lb
  • Exercises


CHEAYH. SO. Running was definitely not too much of an option today, as walking up steps was painful enough, so after running a few errands for Coach Lee, I went and worked out with Laura in the aerobics room. Just did upper body stuff, like bench press, military press, tricep extensions, pushups, etc. And then I biked for like 10 minutes, but yeah. I'm just super worried about Laura, because she does not deserve to end up like me, but she's smarter and not as pig-headed as I am, so hopefully things will turn out better for her. And hopefully without her having to go see a doctor, because we all know how that turns out. Speaking of which, I was supposed to have a follow-up appointment at Hopkins today for them to decide whether or not I needed a cortisone injection and/or surgery, and yeah, didn't happen. Both my mother and I "conveniently" forgot. Haha. I think I might be getting better, but maybe it's just because I've been anemic so I haven't really been working hard at all, so I haven't really done much to aggravate it aside from like my 11 miles yesterday, but hey, it's not too bad, I can deal. I'll probably do five tomorrow, 9 minute pace, hopefully, so I guess I'm doing good if I only need like a day recovery after like running the farthest I've ever run at one time in my life. Hopefully I'll be up to fifteen this Sunday, I just need to find somewhere good to run to. Yay.

Oh, and this thing said I burned 1081 calories yesterday? WTC? That's a big number.
