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2:50 PM

7 mi


7:44 mi


133 lb


25 F
  • Map


DAAAAYYYMMMM it was cold. It was fine on the way out, the wind was pushing me along (I kept missing the mile markers though, that really bothered me to the point where I was like searching the ground for them AND STILL couldn't find them, which was weird), but on the way back IT SUCKED SO BAD. Like, it was freaking cold!! So I cut into Downs Park at like mile 4.5 and ran a mile in the park, which was not a cool idea, because the trails sucked really badly and I had to like run in the woods next to them because there was better traction, so yeah, that wasn't cool either. And then when I got out to Pinehurst, the wind was in my face again, so I just ran that was until I got back up to the school, and then ran an 800 on the track, and then booked it out of there. It was really really cold though. But I'm surprised my pace was still pretty good, seeing as I had to either run with the wind in my face or dodging trees for over half of the time, but yeah. I was tired at the end.

My shinsplints were not too bad today, but my right foot (big and pinky toes) were kind of sore for about a mile and a half and then when I was running through the woods for a mile or so in Downs Park, so that may not have been the best sign, but oh well.

Time for a nice warm shower. My jaw is like, frozen shut!!
