Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 PM

7.3 mi


7:36 mi


133 lb


63 F
  • Map




Namely, 63 degrees. But when you're used to running in like, 24, THAT'S HOTT!!!

So yeah, ran for 55 minutes on my treadmill. And because treadmills lie and are pieces of crap, we're going to say I ran 7.25 miles, even though it said that I ran 6.21 miles. Can we say, B.S.??? I hate treadmills. But yeah. So I'm just going to go with 7.25, just because I feel like I ran pretty hard, faster than yesterday, and didn't have a headwind or ice to worry about, so anyway. I think that's a good guess.

So I spent the time memorizing pi. Since we had to move my treadmill out of our workout room because my basement flooded and my mom's worried about there being mold in there, I had nothing to look at except for all of the kitchen supplies in the laundry room. Yes, I was running on my treadmill in the laundry room. Don't hate. But anyway, my favorite product was the stack of paper plates: "Strong enough to save the day!" When was the last time a freakin paper plate saved the day? Like, never. So I decided pi was a more worthy cause than reading the sales slogans on paper plates and ziploc containers and cleaning supplies, so I got up to about 90ish places and then had to throw up, and then came back and just finished my run listening to music. Like, I threw up around 34ish minutes, and stopped for a minute or so, and then got back on and started running again, and I'm pretty sure that the last 20ish minutes felt way better than the first 34. Probably because there were no more potatoes au gratin in my stomach. I like potatoes, but they screwed over my stomach man.

Alright, I'm done rambling. Time to go get Bruster's and then shack up for the night with my lovely lovely calculus homework. What more could I ever want? Distance running, ice cream, and calculus? Sounds like a perfect evening to me.
