Run: Long Previous Next


3:30 PM

7.3 mi


9:42 mi


128 lb


49 F


So it was pretty much cold and miserable today, so I decided it would be perfect to go for a nice long run. I like running in the rain anyway. So I couldn't drive anywhere interesting because I was strapped for time, so I just started from my house, picked a direction, and ran. And it was fun. I almost got hit by a car crossing Rt 100, but that's okay. I was booking about 9:30s on the way out, but predictably slowed down on the way back. I was pretty tired by about mile 5 anyway, but the charm of an out and back course is you can't stop and walk back, because you're so far away from your destination that it's just easier to keep going. Like, on a course, you're never more than like half a mile from your car, so at any time you can be like "Eh, I"m done" but if you run as far as you can in one direction, it takes too long to walk back, so you might as well run anyway.

So yep. Ten miles by the end of November. I'm all over it. Assuming the iron starts kicking in. Cause I'm tired.

Oh, and Megan and I added to our "You Might Be an XC Runner If..." List at the mall yesterday: You might be an XC runner if your ATM card pin number is your PR in the 5K. Hahahaha. So true, so true.
