Run: Easy Previous Next


2:30 PM

5.8 mi


7:51 mi


61 F


Had a good run today. I felt like I was running at a pretty good pace, but apparently I was running slower than I thought I was, but whatever. It felt good to run by myself and just listen to music and be out in the sun. Yesterday's run was nice, but it was just tinged with that sense of competitiveness, which I'm not going to complain about, because I like that, but it's just nice to run by yourself and have that runner's high that comes only through rocking out to your favorite tunes.

The only downside was that I felt like throwing up the entire time and my stomach hurt. I think I might have an ulcer; my stomach just kind of has this dull burn all the time. Oh well. My other injuries weren't bothering me too much, although my left calf is really tight and was causing my shin to hurt, but oh well. I'm just starting to get used to the pain, so it doesn't really bother me anymore, just like my knees.

Today was just liberating. This week sucked so bad and was pretty much a living hell, and I am just so glad to be done with it and have it behind me.

