Run: Hill Previous Next


5:45 PM

5.6 mi


7:39 mi


57 F
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I was booking it today. I had a lot of anger to get out, so I found a good hill in front of my church and just ran it a lot of times, probably around 8 or 10, until I was just too tired and felt like going home. I ran about 30 minutes before that just to try out the new pair of shoes I got, which I think might be too big, I still have to make a decision on that. It's better to have shoes that are a tad too big than to lose all your other toenails, but we'll see. Who knows. But I tried to focus on armswing and using quick, short steps up the hill since my stride has apparently grown too long.

"Long slow distance makes long slow runners." So guess I need to be a short fast one?
