Run: Long Previous Next


2:30 PM

6.5 mi


7:36 mi


42 F
  • Map



Went on long run at a pretty hard pace; we ran down Dock Rd and went into Downs the back way, ran a loop all the way back to where we went in, then ran back. I ran with Liz all the way down, but she dropped back pretty much as soon as we got in. I tried to stay with Laura, but she took off up the bridge hill and I just didn't feel like exhausting myself at that point in the run, so I ran by myself for about .75 miles until I caught up with Seto, but I passed him and just ran the rest of the time by myself. The wind sucked sooooo bad, especially on the way back, but the temperature wasn't too bad, so it was alright I guess. Wish I would have had my iPod. But overall, it was a good run, and I ran pretty hard, all things considered. I felt strong.
