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3:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Grrrr. My mom hid our scale so I can't weigh myself. She's full of crap, I swear. And I forgot to use the scale at PT, so I have no idea what kind of havoc my fat kid tendencies of yesterday had on my weight loss efforts. Argh. So I started with 10 minutes on the bike, 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy, then stretched, then did balancing stuff and squats, then TWISTY LUNGES WITH A WEIGHT BALL (the worst thing ever to be invented), and then some core exercises since my quads were pretty much trashed after that, and then BOXING!!!!!! I boxed for like 15 minutes, it was awesome. But I was so tired afterwards, I was really tired to start with, but it definitely helped. Then I got ice and stim for my right hip, and then stretching and other such methods of inflicting much pain, and then I got to go home. But yeah, those lunges were killer.
