Run: Easy Previous Next


11:30 AM

4.1 mi


9:42 mi


128 lb


63 F
  • Map



It was a nice day, so I just went for an easy run, because I could not concentrate on homework, nor could I write my college essay. I am thinking about re-working the whole damn thing, because I am just not feeling it, and it needs to be the best thing I have ever written in my entire life. So I have no idea. But at first I went to the school to run the course, but then there were too many people, and I'm tired of running there, so I figured I'd go to the community college instead, just because it was somewhere I hadn't run in a long time. So I did, but they had like a billion sports games going on, so I couldn't run the course, so I ran some in the woods and then down College Parkway and around a random neighborhood and back. I wasn't really concerned about pace, I was just sort of cruising, but I was pretty tired, so I can live with a 9:42. The good news is that my hip did not bother me too much, but I hadn't run since Wednesday, so it's had a bit of time off. I'm sort of nervous, because I go for my x-rays tomorrow, and then I have my doctor's appointment in a week, which is kind of scary, because I will probably be faced with either cortisone injections or surgery, because I haven't healed, so yeah. It's not going to be a fun time.

*sigh* Geez I love running so much. Why does it have to be like this?
