Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

5.5 mi


7:46 mi


81 F
  • Map


So, initially my watch said 39:15 for this run. I don't believe that, not for one second. So I'm guessing that I forgot to start it at one of the cross walk sections or something. So I added 3 minutes to my time, because the time in between cross walks is much less than three minutes, so this is a conservative estimate. But even the thought of me running that fast is kind of crazy, I know. So I'm not really sure what went wrong, my distance is definitely accurate, because I used the mapping tool, and I know exactly where I ran, so it had to be something with the timing.

Either that, or I just had a REALLY good day. Like, the best day since outdoor track in high school. Because I'm sorry, but last time I checked I couldn't even run a 7:13 mile if I tried. Well, I probably could go under 7 right now, but the track in under construction, so no track work for me. Maybe I can get the boyfriend to take me to the track near his house and I can smoke him in the mile :).
