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7:50 AM

5 mi


8:08 mi


78 F


Whew. I feel like a marathoner now. I was actually just going to turn around at Harvard to make it a plain 4.2-ish miles, but I decided to keep going, to make it 5. Which is just about as much as I have time for, nowadays. But still, it was pretty awesome. And I know I started out very slowly, because my legs were still brick-like after the 9 mile run that I did. Which I'm still really proud of. It's all about the mindset. The body being in tune with you is a big part of it, but you just have to let your mind take over and tell your body to shut the heck up and just run. Because when it comes down to it, all a marathon, or any distance running, for that matter, is to just have the strength to get yourself out the door in the morning, and then have the mental stamina to tell yourself to keep going. It's great to have that mindset back. For 5 miles to feel like nothing is a great feeling. To want to go further is a great feeling. It makes me feel like a marathoner again. :)

Aside from all of the mental affirmation though, my left achilles is really really sore and tight. I don't know if it's from walking around in flip flops all the time, or if it's from my shoes being dead, or if it's from my biomechanics having changed, but either way, I'm worried. So I'll just see if it gets better, hopefully not worse, with some extra stretching and massage, and if not, then I'll ask the doctor about it. Oh yes. Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Let's see if they can figure out what's wrong with me.
