Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

3.7 mi


7:55 mi


133 lb


32 F


Coach Lee wouldn't let us run the course because Matt Gelety said it was too muddy. Which was crap. But you know, Matt Gelety is the ultimate god of the universe, so whatever he says HAS to be right, no matter what anyone else says. So we ran on pavement instead. Because that's a great idea the day before regionals. So I ran with Megan because the guys were fooling around being assholes on the frozen-solid bog, and we had places to go and things to do, so we just ran. We did like campus perimeter things, and two of them. When mapped out, they came out to about 1.8-ish miles a piece, so I guess that was enough. When we finished, everyone else was already done, which really pissed us off, because they were supposed to run the same thing, but of course didn't because they are slackers.

People really piss me off. Like, especially when the people who are slacking off are fast. Take Christy Baker. Rarely does she do anything she's supposed to in practice, yet can pull off a 5:40 mile without thinking twice. Sure, it speaks multitudes for her talent as a runner, and maybe I'm just jealous, but it doesn't seem right that you should be allowed to be a complete slacker just because you're fast. Like, no one says anything. And it's not just her, it's like, half the team. But it just really makes me angry when I'm walking up the sidewalk after completely busting my ass and people who were supposed to do the same thing as me (who I was ahead of the entire time) are already finished and are standing around laughing. And when I ask them why they aren't doing the workout, their reason is "Uh, we got lost." So you just stopped running? GREAT IDEA. And for pete's sake, it's the school campus, how the hell can you possibly get lost? That's wrong. I'm sorry.

But no one else seems to care, so I guess I shouldn't get too upset about it. Grrrr.

My shin and my toe were really bothering me today. I really wish I could figure out how to get my shin splints to go away. Usually I can get them to go away in like, a week to two weeks, but these are just incredibly persistent. No matter how much I ice or massage or stretch or do ankle rotations or everything else that you're supposed to do with shin splints, they just won't go away. It's really angering me. And then the toe, well that's just a matter of my own stupidity, and I'll just have to wait for that to heal.

Man, I need to write less. No one else writes this much in their running logs lol.
