Run: Easy Previous Next


2:30 PM

5.4 mi


8:35 mi


83 F
  • Map



Well, at least it was beautiful weather. My run was nowhere near as fast as I would have like it, and I felt very tired. But it was also relatively hot, and I'm not used to running in hot weather at all, not to mention I was probably very dehydrated, etc. I can make any number of excuses for myself, none of which really exceed the fact that I am just out of shape. It's pretty apparent that training for a marathon now is not going to be as easy as it was for me before. All I had to do was a long run on Sundays, in addition to running track, and viola, I (should have) had myself a Boston qualification. Now, I'm starting from scratch, so I need to train every day to even attempt to get back to where I was before. I have 5 months; barely enough time to start from scratch and qualify for Boston, especially on my schedule, and with my dietary restrictions.

But we'll see. There will be good days and bad days, I just need to keep going no matter what. And if all else fails, I'll just run it for charity or something. I just want a damn medal and one of those shiny blankets.
